Best Treatment For ACNE (Pimples), Rough Skin And Wrinkles.

Best Treatment For ACNE (Pimples), Rough Skin And Wrinkles.

4 years ago

~2.4 mins read


Vitamin A (retinol) and its derivatives such as Tretinoin and Isotretinoin top the list of best treatments available for acne and wrinkled skin.

If so, why isn't vitamin popularly used among people suffering from acne or why isn't it commonly prescribed by doctors?

I do not have the answer to any of those questions, but some suggestions here…

Vitamin A derivatives in creams are usually expensive and scarce in developing nations, so most people would have a hard time locating a pharmacy that sells one.
The doctors could be really old and failed to update their knowledge database
The doctors do not want to prescribe Vitamin A or it's derivative Isotretinoin because most people who suffer acne are women of child bearing age. Isotretinoin and High doses of Vitamin A is considered teratogenic (A teratogenic agent is any agent that could cause birth defects in the unborn) and possible abortifacients.
Most people who are prescribed Vitamin A and it's derivatives especially in creams ( Tretinoin creams are safer than Oral Isotretinoin) are usually not patient enough. During the initial stage of treatment, the acne condition seems to be getting worse, this lasts for about a week and then clear results are noticed at about 14 days after consistent application of the cream.


Many people complain of its ineffectiveness and they discontinue use even before 10 days.
Some other strange reasons…
How Vitamin A and its derivatives works

First of all, vitamin A is an anti-oxidant. Generally, anti-oxidants prevent many types of cell-damage (let's leave it there).

This tells you that if you are getting adequate amounts of vitamin A, your skin would definitely look younger. Who doesn't want to have a young glowing skin?

Be informed that anti-oxidants help boost Immunity.

Vitamin A is essential for normal growth and differentiation of most cells of the body.

Now you know that Vitamin A is useful for any abnormal growth of cells, be it acne from clogging of pores or ingrown hairs or even some kind of tumour like growth.


Its character of improving cell growth and differentiation gives it the ability to give you a younger looking skin resistant to damaging agents like Ultra-violet lights

Adequate amounts of dietary vitamin A can be useful in the treatment and prevention of some types of cancers too.

What if you don't like drugs and you can't afford creams

You can get Vitamin A mostly from Liver and leafy vegetables. But if you are deficient or have serious skin problem you would most certainly need vitamin A supplements and creams.

Isotretinoin is a proven treatment for severe cystic acne. Do not try to get pregnant if you are taking Isotretinoin. 


Take caution, when taking vitamin A supplements or Isotretinoin. Vitamin A in any form can become toxic when taken in high doses or when used over a long period of time.

If you are taking vitamin A supplements or Isotretinoin, make sure to take birth control measures because Vitamin A can cause Birth defects in the unborn child.

Other common uses of Vitamin A and its derivatives

In the treatment/Management of measles
To improve eyesight, Vitamin A helps build our visual pigments.
To treat Acute promyelocytic leukaemia. A type of leukaemia.
To clear wrinkles  


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