Different Types Of Lips

Different Types Of Lips

4 years ago

~5.8 mins read


There are four major features to examine and consider when trying to get the lip shape of an individual. These four features are the, cupids bow, the natural line, the corner and the teardrop.

Apart from the beauty which the lips add to our facial appaerance and expressions, there is also a relationship between the shape of the lips and our character traits which was shown or revealed by the first lipsologist named Jilly Eddy.

The linking of the relationship between the lip shape and character or personality trait of an individual was shown by the theory of Jilly Eddy.

Below are the 5 different lip shapes and what they say about an individual personality traits:

Full lips.

People with this lip shape are fragile in exhibiting the character of looking after others as they carry the traits of being very caring individuals. They are empathic individuals with great parenting instincts.


They also maintain a close circle of friends.

Plum center lips

The individuals with this lip shape tends to be the funniest in a group or gathering amist people, they are quite simple and dramatic in nature. They love being the center of attraction and are natural performers.

Heart shaped lips.

Those with this lip shape are sociable and very creative. They do not shy away from expressing their feelings or selves at any point all to the fullest.


Their credible traits is their creativity and a high memory retention. They also value Relationships.

Round lips.

The round lip shapes individuals are charismatic and adventurous in nature. In most cases, they are stubborn and hard-headed making it difficult to be dealt with. They are risk takers and full of confidence.

Thin lips.

It has been shown by research that people with this lip shape are self-reliant. They have high drive for success and are antisocial (not social), they also feel at home or be comfortable in the company of others and value people's Reactions. They are soft and hardly known.


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