I Hope People Cheering What Is Going On Understand The Trend Of War . It Is Always A Trend. From Libya To Syria To Yemen To CAR To Somalia To Liberia To Sierra Leone To Ivory Coast To Rwanda. Here

I Hope People Cheering What Is Going On Understand The Trend Of War . It Is Always A Trend. From Libya To Syria To Yemen To CAR To Somalia To Liberia To Sierra Leone To Ivory Coast To Rwanda. Here

4 years ago

~1.4 mins read
I hope people cheering what is going on understand the trend of war .  
It is always a trend. From Libya to Syria to Yemen to CAR to Somalia to Liberia to Sierra Leone  to Ivory Coast to Rwanda. Here are the stages:

Plot 1. People protest

Plot 2. Government repressed  protesters. Soldiers fired live ammunition into crowd killing protesters. 

Plot 3.


Mob retaliated and burned down government and political leader assets. 

Plot 4. Army and police withdrew due to international pressure to guide their own barracks only. 

Plot 5. Mob went after assets and houses of prominent political leaders. Politicians fled abroad with their families. 

Plot 6. Mob went after assets and life of middle class or anyone that has semblance of wealth.


Estate housing middle class were attacked. Remember no more police or army to protect them. 

Plot 7. Full scale war as opportunists with group interests and ego took over competing over interests and end up tearing the country apart. 

Plot 8. Refugee flee the country in thousands to become beggars in neighboring countries

Plot 9. This is no more 1960s. The internal wars will be a recurring decima no uniting force - Libya scenario. 

I hope we are praying.


All those houses, wealth and loved one could disappear in twinkle of an eye.
Those abroad blowing the flame will be eating Kentucky chicken. US, UK and UN will turn blind eye except UN peace keepers kept in one expensive hotel - Remember hotel Rwanda. 

What we all need is prayer not only for Nigeria but for us and our family. The name Nigeria may disappear and we all bear our family name. That thousands in bank might worth less than toilet roll.  Houses could be weapon bunkers

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