Is Strangulated Hernia A Serious Condition?

Is Strangulated Hernia A Serious Condition?

3 years ago

~2.1 mins read


YES – EXTREMELY! Strangulated hernias can prove fatal and is a very serious condition.

It is a surgical emergency.


It requires urgent surgical intervention and patients tend to do less well after emergency surgery than they do following planned hernia procedures.

"Mortality risk following elective hernia repair is low, even at an advanced age.
An emergency operation for strangulated hernia carries a substantial mortality risk."

According to Swedish Research,

In case of an Emergency operation the Risk of Mortality is 7 times higher, while if bowel resection was undertaken, the risk of mortality increased by 20 times.

Evidence shows it is prudent to prevent strangulation and avoid emergency surgery at all cost.

It is absolutely necessary to get hernia treated as soon as possible before this dreaded complication sets in.

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