Premature Ejaculation Solution

Premature Ejaculation Solution

4 years ago

~4.8 mins read

Premature Ejaculation Treatments and Home Remedies

Ninety-five percent of men are helped by behavioral techniques that help control ejaculation.

Stop and start:You or your partner stimulate your penis until you feel like you’re going to have an orgasm. Stop the arousal for about 30 seconds or until the feeling passes. Start the stimulation again and repeat three or four more times before you ejaculate.

The Squeeze:It works the same way as the start and stop method. But, when you feel like you’re reaching orgasm, you or your partner squeezes the head of your penis until you lose the erection. Repeat this a few times before ejaculating.Some men find that if they think of something else during sex they can last longer.

If those don’t work for you, you can try a few other things:

Strengthen your muscles:Weak pelvic floor muscles sometimes contribute to PE. Kegel exercises may help strengthen them.


Find the right muscles to tighten by stopping your urine in midstream. Hold them tight for 3 seconds and then release them for 3 seconds. Do this 10 times, at least three times a day.

Wear a condom:It may desensitize you enough so you can last longer.

Get busy before you “get busy”: Some men find that masturbating a few hours before sex helps them stay in control during intercourse.

Seek counseling:A psychologist or psychiatrist can help you work through problems like depression, anxiety, or stress that may be contributing to your PE.

If none of these help enough, your doctor may talk with you about medication.While there aren’t any drugs specifically approved to treat PE, medicines used to treat other things may help in some cases. This is called an off-label use.

These include:

Antidepressants: A side effect of some selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) is delayed orgasm. But these medications also have side effects that include nausea and drowsiness.


They also can throw a wet blanket on your desire to have sex. So, it’s possible you’re trading one problem for another. You and your doctor will decide what’s right for you.

Tramadol: This is a pain reliever that can delay ejaculation. It may be prescribed if antidepressants don’t help. This medicine is addictive, so it may not be an option for you.

Anesthetic creams or sprays:You put these on the head of your penis to make it less sensitive. Leave it on for about 30 minutes.


It must be washed off before sex so you don’t lose your erection or cause loss of sensation for your partner. 

Medications for erectile dysfunction: These drugs may also help  men maintain an erection. They include sildenafil citrate (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), or vardenafil HCI (Levitra). 


Premature Ejaculation Complications

If your relationship is affected by PE, talking about the problem is an important first step. A relationship counselor or sex therapist may be able to help.


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