Prevention And Control Of Tuberculosis

Prevention And Control Of Tuberculosis

3 years ago

~1.2 mins read
What You Should Know About Tuberculosis Prevention
Tuberculosis or TB may sound like a disease of the past, but it is still a serious threat today. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as the old adage goes. To put it another way, the greatest approach to stay healthy is to avoid becoming ill in the first place.

How Does Tuberculosis Spread?

A person with active pulmonary disease can transfer it through the air.


The term "active" refers to the fact that the tuberculosis bacteria are multiplying and spreading throughout your body. You can get it if you're in close contact with someone who has it. That's why, until they're no longer infectious, doctors urge persons with active tuberculosis to stay at home and away from other people as much as possible.


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