Security Alerts:Things You Should Not Put In Your Purse Or Wallet For Security Reasons

Security Alerts:Things You Should Not Put In Your Purse Or Wallet For Security Reasons

4 years ago

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The purse/wallet are materials used for keeping money and other valuables. They come in different sizes, shapes and patterns.

Wallets are comparably smaller to purse and it's mostly used by males while purses are used by females because females go out with more items than males. They go out with items like make up kits, tissues, mirror e.t c and inorder to pack this things in a place they ll need either a bag or a purse.

If the materials are not too bulky they prefer going out with a purse rather than a bag.

There are some things we shouldn't put in our purse and wallet for security purposes. This items are

Password list/sheet

Majority of people are fond of putting a list of their passwords in their purse or wallet. They do this inorder to have easy access to it whenever they need it but this should be stopped because once you loose your purse or wallet people can easily have access to your passwords

Debit cards and check books

Debit cards and check books are used for withdrawing money. These items can give people to your money. Once you loose your check book people can forge your signature and withdraw your money without your consent the same is applicable to debit cards too( They can look for means to get your password and withdraw your money)

Identifying documents

Identifying documents such as your work Id card, membership cards e.t c shouldn't be put in the purse/wallet. If you misplaced or loose your wallet/purse people might have commited an act of crime in the area where it was lost or misplaced and this might be implicating once police see it during lnvestigation. It also gives people and kidnappers an opportunity to know who you really are.

Spare keys

Spare keys shouldn't be kept in the wallet/purse because once you loose the purse your home becomes vulnerable to theft.

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