
~1.4 mins read

Hello Lovers of nature

Welcome to LOVERS OF NATURE THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHY PART 6. Today, I will be moving from GREEN BEAUTY to wonderful cloud formations. Clouds are simply the visible mass of liquid water or frozen crystals suspended in the atmosphere. Cloud formation plays a basic role in the water cycle of our ecosystem.

Water cycle is a natural process of evaporation of water from the water bodies (e.g oceans, rivers, lakes, etc) to the sky, thereby forming as clouds which leads to subsequent condensation and precipitation as rain or snow. The cloud in this natural cycle serves as a storage basin where all the water vapor leaving the earth(through the process of evaporation) can be stored before it's condenses(changing from gas to liquid) and pours down as rain or snow.

Clouds when formed in the sky, makes beautiful patterns displaying different shapes and colours in the atmosphere. Sometimes, the different colours in the cloud are influenced by the amount of dirt or dust in the atmosphere. 

Sunrise and sunset gives beauteous colouring to the cloud. It's gives me great joy gazing at the wonderfully made cloud patterns with lovely colours in the sky. The clouds apart from Playing a major role in water cycle, it's adds beauty to the sky . 

Today's display picture is an amazing cloud formation, a picture I took on my streets while going for evening rehearsals in church. The cloud pattern or shape in the picture is called a CUMULUS CLOUD. Cumulus cloud take the shape of a heap or come spreading vertically in the atmosphere.

LOVERS OF NATURE THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHY is a concept I brought to this platform where I can be sharing my snaps with the Wonderful viewers on pejoweb. Postings is every Thursday.

Thanks for reading to the end. Share with me also your ideas about my snaps and your love for nature in the comment section.

~1.5 mins read

Hello, Lovers of Nature

Welcome to our exciting series, Lovers of nature through photography. I have got an interesting and a jaw dropping snap to share with you all today😍. It's a flower that has been trending so much online and it's called the hot lips flower.

Botanically, the hot lips is know as Palicourea elata which is a shrub in the Rubiaceae family. This species is very unique in it's nature. It forms a uniquely modified leaf structures around the flowers, these are known as bracts. These bracts are bright red and resemble a pair of human lips, hence the common names Hot Lips and Hooker's Lips. 
This is to attract specialised pollinators such as hummingbirds and butterflies. The flowers are scented and white in colour, leading onto small blue-black berry fruits. The hot lips flower is a native of rainforest environments from Mexico to South America and it can grow to 3m in height, provided the correct conditions.

Personally, I find the hot lips superly amazing and unique in it's nature. It's bracts looks so much like a pair of red painted lipsticked lips of a lady. It's so attractive. I imagine planting this flower in your house especially in the compound so that every sunrise, one can get fresh sweet kisses from nature 🤗. So beautiful an imagination. 

Photo credit: World of Flowering Plants

LOVERS OF NATURE THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHY is a concept I brought to this platform where I can be sharing my snaps and other snaps with the Wonderful viewers on pejoweb. Posting is every Thursday.

Always remember that everything God created for mankind is extremely beautiful and of great value to us. Always appreciate the beauty of nature and ourselves as human beings(born of God to be His beloved children).

Thanks for reading to the end. Share with me also your ideas about my snaps and your love for nature in the comment section.

~1.5 mins read

Hello, Lovers of Nature

Sending love from this end to you all, lovers of nature, and readers of my series. I appreciate the honest feedback I have been getting from you all, thank you so much for being here. Welcome to another episode of Lovers of Nature through photography part 16.

Today's picture is for lovers of pink. Pink is popularly know as a feminine colour and women also love flowers too. Azalea (sometimes called Rhododendron) is a popular flower that is vivid pink or red and white. 

I love the nature of the flowers, it's grows and falls like a waterfall from top to bottom. I love it better when the shrubby flower is planted close to the wall of the fence because when it grows, it's falls on and outside the fence. The falls make akalea so attractive. Most of the beauteous views I have seen in Makurdi is mostly on the fenced walls of people's houses.

In spite of the fact that azaleas and rhododendrons have been used interchangeably, the azalea blooms more evenly, the rhododendron flowers tend to cluster, and the two plants are distinct in their own ways.

It took a lot of time and research before I could get the name of this attractive plant. I took the picture while coming back from an impactful event in Nyiman. 

Photo credit: youngancient.
Source of name:

LOVERS OF NATURE THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHY is a concept I brought to this platform where I can be sharing my snaps and other snaps with the Wonderful viewers on pejoweb. Posting is every Thursday.

Always remember that everything God created for mankind is extremely beautiful and of great value to us. Always appreciate the beauty of nature and ourselves as human beings(born of God to be His beloved children).

Thanks for reading to the end. Share with me also your ideas about my snaps and your love for nature in the comment section.


~1.4 mins read


Hello Lovers of nature

Welcome to another episode of LOVERS OF NATURE THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHY PART 4. From today, I will Sharing more of my old snaps of last year, 2021. Last year was more of loving and snapping of GREEN beauty(everything green), animals (pets) and lovely cloud formation in the sky( my favorite).

In today's post, I will be sharing two of lovely GREEN BEAUTIES.

The display picture of today is a picture of a beautiful green and white flower in my department. On a certain school day, I was just passing by the walkway in school while I caught sight of this beauty. At that time, I remember it had few white flowers, so I was able to carefully and beautifully capture the very one in the picture with natural light effect which makes it seems like A BEAUTIFUL SUNRISE. The natural sun rays made the plant more attractive and gorgeous.

The second picture below is one I took in my father's mini rice farm at the backyard. The rice was still at nursery growth level but the picture displays the powerful effect of natural sun rays. So powerfully adding brightness and colour to the GREEN of this wonderful (food) plant. I personally love this snap of mine, it's actually one of my perfect piece.

The pictures today has showed the beauty of GREEN and most especially how plants respond to their natural nourishment, THE SUN. So perfect a piece.

LOVERS OF NATURE THROUGH PHOTOGRAPHY is a concept I brought to this platform where I can be sharing my snaps with the Wonderful viewers on pejoweb. Postings is every Thursday.

Always remember that everything God created for mankind is extremely beautiful and of great value to us. Always appreciate the beauty of nature and of ourselves as human beings(born of God to be His beloved children).

Let me know your ideas about my snaps and your love for nature in the comment section.

~4.8 mins read
Red sanders (scientific name: Pterocarpus santalinus) also known as red sandalwood are trees native to the southern regions of India, particularly in the Eastern Ghats and parts of the Deccan Plateau. These trees are known for their distinctive red heartwood, which is highly valued for its rich color and various applications.They can be found in the forests of Andhra pradesh and Tamil Nadu and these trees are protected under Indian law due to their endangered status.
The heartwood of red sanders is prized for its use in crafting fine furniture, ornamental pieces, and traditional musical instruments. The deep red color, often likened to that of ruby or garnet, makes it a sought-after material in industries such as woodworking and handicrafts.
Apart from its economic importance, red sanders also hold cultural and religious significance in India. The wood is frequently used in the carving of religious artifacts and idols, and the tree is associated with various rituals and ceremonies. Additionally, red sanders have been featured in Indian folklore and mythology.
Although a lot of people may be unfamiliar with the red sanders tree they however contribute immensely to the environment in several ways:
1. Biodiversity Support: Red sander trees play a role in supporting biodiversity by providing habitat and shelter for various plant and animal species in their native regions. They contribute to biodiversity support by fostering diverse ecosystems, offering habitat for a variety of flora and fauna. These forests serve as interconnected ecosystems where different species coexist, promoting a balanced and thriving biodiversity. The presence of red sanders plays a role in the intricate web of life, supporting the survival and interaction of various organisms within their natural habitat.This contributes to the overall health and diversity of the ecosystems they inhabit.
2. Soil Conservation: The roots of red sander trees help prevent soil erosion. They anchor the soil, especially in hilly and forested areas, contributing to the stability of the landscape and protecting against landslides.
3. Carbon Sequestration: Like other trees, red sanders participate in carbon sequestration. They absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis, helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change by reducing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
4. Water Conservation: The presence of trees, including red sanders, contributes to water conservation. Their canopy helps regulate water flow, reducing runoff and preventing soil erosion. Additionally, trees play a role in maintaining groundwater levels.
5. Microclimate Regulation: The canopy of red sander trees provides shade and helps regulate local microclimates. This can have positive effects on temperature and humidity, creating more favorable conditions for various plant and animal species.
6. Wildlife Habitat: Red sander trees provide a habitat for diverse wildlife, including birds, insects, and small mammals. The presence of these trees contributes to the overall biodiversity of the ecosystem.
7. Erosion Control: In regions prone to erosion, red sander trees can act as a natural barrier. Their extensive root systems help bind the soil together, reducing the risk of erosion during heavy rainfall or other environmental stressors.
Despite their value, red sanders face challenges due to overharvesting, leading to illegal logging and trade which is gradually leading to its extinction. In the underbelly of illegal trades and covert operations, one name echoes with a certain notoriety – Sahul Hameed, the elusive figure associated with the clandestine business of red sander smuggling. 
Sahul Hameed's Rise to Notoriety:
Sahul Hameed emerged as a key player in the illegal red sander trade, leveraging his network and expertise to navigate the intricate web of illicit activities. His rise is often attributed to his ability to exploit loopholes in the regulatory framework, bribe officials, and establish connections with various criminal organizations.
Illegal Activities and Networks:
Hameed's involvement in the red sander smuggling trade extends beyond the simple act of falling and transporting trees. Reports suggest that he is intricately connected to a sophisticated network that spans across international borders. This network involves a web of individuals, from loggers and transporters to middlemen and buyers, all working in tandem to smuggle red sanders to global markets.
Law Enforcement Challenges:
Law enforcement agencies, both within India and internationally, have faced numerous challenges in apprehending Sahul Hameed. The elusive nature of the red sander trade, combined with the vast and dense forest regions where these activities take place, makes it difficult to track and apprehend those involved.

Environmental Impact:
Beyond the legal and law enforcement aspects, the red sander trade has severe consequences for the environment. Illegal logging contributes to deforestation, disrupting ecosystems and threatening the existence of these endangered trees. The ecological imbalance caused by such activities has broader implications for biodiversity and climate regulation in the affected regions.
Global Demand and Consequences:
The global demand for red sanders fuels this illegal trade, with international markets willing to pay exorbitant prices for the coveted wood. The consequences of unchecked smuggling reach far beyond the immediate environmental impact, touching upon economic stability, regional security, and the effectiveness of international cooperation in combating transnational crimes.
Sahul Hameed stands as a symbol of the complex web surrounding the red sander smuggling trade. His ability to navigate legal loopholes, exploit weaknesses in enforcement, and establish a global network reflects the challenges faced by authorities in combating such illicit activities. As efforts to curb illegal logging and smuggling intensify, understanding the intricate dynamics of figures like Sahul Hameed becomes crucial in addressing the broader issues associated with the red sander trade. 
The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) recently categorised the Red Sanders (or Red Sandalwood) again into the ‘endangered’ category in its Red List. It was classified as ‘near threatened’ in 2018 and Red Sanders is reported to be one of India’s most exploited tree species and is under severe pressure from illegal logging and harvesting. Rampant illegal logging has been reported across its range state this was according to the coordinator of TRAFFIC’s India Office . India reported an export of more than 19,049 tonnes of logs. In comparison, the importing countries reported about 4,610 tonnes of logs, 127 tonnes of sawn wood, 20 tonnes of transformed wood and 980 kg of wood products, clearly indicating a discrepancy in reporting of Red Sander trade.
Conservation efforts are however underway to protect and preserve these trees, including legal measures, community involvement, and awareness campaigns.
The conservation of red sanders is crucial not only for maintaining biodiversity but also for sustaining the cultural and economic benefits associated with these unique trees. Sustainable harvesting practices, reforestation initiatives, and global collaboration are essential components of efforts to ensure the survival of red sander trees in their natural habitat.
While red sander trees are primarily known for their economic and cultural value, their presence in ecosystems offers environmental benefits that are crucial for maintaining ecological balance and sustainability. Conservation efforts aimed at protecting these trees contribute not only to their survival but also to the well-being of the surrounding environment.
~0.7 mins read
1. To be real = *Give*
2. To be succeed = *Serve*
3. To laugh = *Make someone laugh* 
4. To prosper = *Be happy* 
5. To excel = *Be faithful* 
6. To go far = *Get up early* 
7. To change someone = *Change yourself* 
8. To be great = *Be discipline* 
9. To be Strong = *Pray  often * 
10. To do a lot = *Speak a little* 
11. To be fruitful = *Praise God* 
12. To live well = *Forgive*
13. To talk well = *Bind Anger*
14. To sleep well = *Work Hard* 
15. To belove = *Love*
16. To be a good husband = *Listen to her* 
17. To be a woman = **Submit Yourself*
18. To be Respected = *Be polite* 
19. To bind Satan = *Sanctify Yourself* 
20. To grow in faith = *Mediate the word of God always.*
None of this are failed. Give it a tryer and see it for yourself.
Share it as many to people.


